Independance Day CHEATS


Plane select:

Enter player name as MR HAPPY.

Now enter the game selection screen and quickly press:

Left, Right, S, C, T, T, Down.


Enter player name as LIVE FREE

Now enter the game selection screen and quickly press the

same code as before.

City Select:

As Above, just enter name as FOX ROX.

Fast Reload, Damage Bonus + Weapons options

As Before with name GO POSTAL

Kill civilians and wingman options:

As before with name GODZILLA

Extra Options:

Same as above, Name TOURIST.

Cheat mode:

As before, name DAB DAB


DBJHJ - Washington

GBDHP - New York

NBDHG - Paris

LBDG6 - Moscow

RBDHY - Tokyo

T59MX - Oahu

Z99MX - Las Vegas

399MH - Mothership.