"creating news horizons in game cheat web sites"



sorry, hey i had to get over 500 cheats and produce over 550 different pages all by myself

Welcome to the Gamer's Getaway, the site for over 500 cheats for Playstation, Dreamcast, and Nintendo 64 games.  Here at the Gamer's Getaway I am commited to making this site the best and the most easy to navigate and find what you want.  I am sorry if your browser doesn't support frames.  It is best to use IE 4.0 with this site to get the most out of it.

The Gamer's Getaway (c)1999

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All graphics, maintenance, research, design, and text were done or redone by Kyle Shank

Does your small biz need an internet/webmaster/designer, Kyle Shank could make a site like this for you.